Return Instructions

  • You have 15 days, following receipt of your order, to contact us at to present your problem and obtain a return authorization.

  • Once authorized, you will have 10 days to provide us with the tracking number of your package.

  • Please make sure to include the Return Authorization Form provided by our Customer Service in your package. We need it to sort and process your return.

  • Following receipt and approval of your return, you can allow 5 business days to receive your Credit by email.

  • SVOWW does not refund original shipping charges.

  • SVOWW is not responsible for return shipping costs and/or customs.

  • SVOWW is not responsible for items damaged and/or lost in return delivery.

  • All returned items must be in their original, resalable condition. (unworn, unwashed, unaltered, must be in their original packaging and still have the tags)